Carers Advice
Do we know you are a Carer? Or do you have a Carer?
Are you providing help and support to a relative, partner or friend who cannot manage because of disability, illness or frailty?
Let us know by completing a Carer Registration form (also available from your GP Surgery reception).
Hand the completed form to your GP Surgery who will make a note on your medical records of the person you care for, that you are a Carer and on your records that you are a Carer.
If you would like us to refer you to Cheshire West Carers Support, please also sign the consent on the form. They will send you information such as regular newsletter, how to register for Carer's Emergency Card. They will inform you of any events happening in your area, advice and support available, including access to respite, emotional and financial support.
For further details on their website click here or contact the Helpline on 0300 102 0008 (Mon-Fri, 9am till 5pm)
Twitter page: @cheshirecarers1
Carers UK
They’re here to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don’t have to care alone.
Telephone: 020 7378 4999